ASP is a solution that Adonis offer the customers as an alternative to a local installation.  The ASP is built upon Microsoft Citrix technology. This article describes requirements for using ASP, and how to log in for the first time. 

Preparations: Download and install Citrix Receiver App (Citrix workspace)

To run the Adonis Windows-based applications such as Adonis Personnel Manager on ASP you will need to download the Citrix Receiver App. This can be done from the following web page.

Older OS:

Newer OS

The Citrix receiver(workspace app) released after April 2019 has removed support for the encryption protocols used by our ASP. You can use up to version 1903.

First-time login

You will receive information about your ASP login account either directly from Adonis, or from your internal Adonis administrator. When you have this information available, please go to 

Your username will normally follow the below example: 


Enter your provided User name and Password and click Log On. The first time you log in you will have to create a new password. 

  1. Re-enter old password

  2. Enter a new password

  3. Re-enter the new password

After you press OK, you will be redirected to the login page where you will have to log in again with the new password that you just created. 

After logging in, you can choose either Production or Test depending on which environment you have access to and want to log in to

You can navigate back by clicking on the Main or Production name that is underscored: