This article describes how you can overwrite the seniority set in Personal Details | Seniority for a specific activity when there is a temporary position change or other reasons for needing to use different seniority.

Seniority in Payroll

When calculating payroll, the system will check for a person's seniority set in PErsonal Details | Seniority and fetch the corresponding rate from the Payscale Table and Code.

This person has seniority that started on the 25th of March in 2000.

He has two activities linked to two different Payscale Tables and Codes in the same Payroll period:

If no other changes are made, the system will use the seniority of 21,43463 for both activities:

Overwrite Seniority

It is possible to overwrite the seniority on each activity by:

  1. Go to Datagroup | Activities

  2. Open the applicable activity, enter the wanted seniority in the Payroll | Activity class field, and click OK to save and close.

  3. Go back to Payroll and calculate the person, and you will now see a new rate corresponding to the overwritten seniority.