Companies can have different Company Required manning based on the Occupancy Level. The Company Required manning per Occupancy Level (Safety Level) is set up on each individual position.

In the TOP report, the customer can choose the Vessel, Date Range, and Occupancy level, and the report checks the actual positions onboard compared to the required company manning for that occupancy level.

Actual positions are counted based on the persons with a sea-service activity and the position the activity is linked to.


Crew Station Bill - Safety Levels

The Occupancy Levels applicable for each vessel must be set up in the Crew Station Bill under Setup | Safety Levels.

  1. Make sure you have a vessel as your Open Client

  2. Go to Modules | Crew Station Bill

  3. Select the Vessel under Setup and the first Vessel folder

  4. Go to the folder Safety Levels, and choose “Add Safety Level” to add an Occupancy level. Both Code and Name should be filled in.

  5. Go back to Set up | Vessel folder and select the next vessel and add the Safety Levels. Do the same for all remaining vessels.

  6. Close the Crew Station Bill module

Organization | Position

On each Position, you need to add the Company Required manning per Occupancy Level

  1. Go to Setup | Organization

  2. Select the Position and make sure you have the General tab selected

  3. Input the Company Required meaning for each Occupancy Level