This article describes one of the possible reasons why a person can be missing from all the tabs in the Brightwell export grid as well as how to fix it.

Issue description

We have customers (Windstar, The Word etc) that use Brightwell interface to process their payments to the employees.

Sometimes we have complaints from the users that they can’t see a crew member on any tab of the export grid, even after making sure that the crew has all the mandatory fields in place and meets all the conditions (see Brightwell Interface for more details).

One of the reasons can be as in when after the crew was successfully enrolled to Brightwell as a member and the balance action was set to Brightwell, the balance action was changed back to Carry Forward to the Next month due to an update in Personal Details by another user right after the crew was enrolled.

How to check

To check if this is the case the below select statements can be used:

  1. select TRANSFERBALANCE, repl_ModifiedDate, sessionid, repl_ModifiedBySite , repl_ModifiedDate, * from AUDIT_PW001P01 where pin=XXX order by 2 desc

    If you see that TRANSFERBALANCE (Balance action on Payroll > Payment tab) used to be B5 (Brightwell) and was then changed to something else (in this case 0 which stands for Carry Forward to Next month), it means that the person was successfully enrolled to Brightwell but then the balance action was reset for some reason:

    repl_ModifiedDate, SESSIONID,repl_ModifiedBySite , repl_ModifiedDate, * from AUDIT_PW001P0Y where pin=XXX order by 6 desc

If the highlighted fields in PW001P0Y are not NULL, it means that the crew has already been successfully enrolled as a member and can’t be enrolled again.


In this case you can update the field PW001P01.TRANSFERBALANCE with the correct balance action value (Brightwell):

update PW001P01 set TRANSFERBALANCE='B5' where pin=XXX

A bug issue was created to improve the system’s behaviour: