How to set up table-based and percentage tax deduction applied in the same pay period

There are cases when an employee is deducted with a table-based tax (EC 901), however, any additional/extra payments should be deducted using the tax percentage (EC 902) within the same month.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Payroll tab -> Entry Codes (can also be accessed from the Setup tab -> Tables -> Entry Codes):

  2. Prepare a list with all Entry Codes that should always be deducted with percentage;

  3. Go to the Calculation sub-tab of each transaction type and open a script file (it can be already connected to the various temporary accumulators):

    Open the script file under the Calculation tab by clicking the three dots.

  4. Find a temporary accumulator W81 (Skattegrunnlag, tabelltrekk) and replace it with the accumulator W82 (Skattegrunnlag, prosenttrekk).

5. If no temporary accumulator exists yet, but Entry Code should be a basis for a percentage tax deduction, please add the following condition to the script:

6. Save and close and do a new calculation. Entry Codes 901/902 will be generated respectively.