How can I save my login details in Personnel Manager (APM)

Keeping track of all passwords may be an annoying challenge. This article explains how you can save your login credentials in Personnel Manager (APM) in a safe and secure way. The next time you want to log in, APM will autofill your login name and password, making the login process quick and easy.


When you start the Personnel Manager (APM) application the system always asks you for your login details/credentials.

To save time and simplify the login process, we made it possible to save the credentials for the current Windows user. This is a very good alternative to a single sign-on process, as it removes the hassle of remembering password for your Adonis application.

Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to the Personnel Manager (APM) with your credentials.

  2. Open the Main Menu > View Profile and activate the “Link LoginD to Current Windows user“.


  3. Type in your current password in the pop-up window and click Confirm.


  4. Click Apply to save the profile changes.


  5. Your login details are successfully saved. You will see it during the next login into the system.