Register Extra Days

Before getting started, make sure to enable the feature by following the housekeeping instructions in Datagroup > Activities.

Based on the option set in Global Options, you will be able to perform one of the registrations:

  • extra days activities. For more information, see Extra Days Activities.

  • virtual days activities. For more information, see Virtual Days Activities.


Extra Days Activities

The extra days registration functionality assumes extending or advancing a shift for a certain number of days on the Rotation Planning gantt. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Rotation Planning gantt and select the shift to be affected.

  2. In the Shift Details tab, locate the Advance shift or Extend shift field and enter the number of days which the shift is to be extended/advanced for and select the activity to be set to this shift.

  3. Once completed, click Add. This makes an extra shift appear onn the gantt.

In addition, the crew member’s activity details will be updated accordingly:


Virtual Days Activities

This type of days registration assumes the registrations will be captured for the payroll processing.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Rotation Planning gantt and select the shift to be affected.

  2. In the Shift Details tab, locate the Extra days on SignOn or Extra days on SignOff field and enter the number of days which the shift is to be captured for and select the activity to be set to this shift.