Competence, Travel and Medical expiry notification: 3 and 1 Months to Expiry


This notification task sends out an expiry notification to the Employee and the Admin User when there are 3 or 1 month before the expiry of Competence, Medical and Travel records


Competence, Travel, Medical, Documents, Expiry Date


Documents: 3 or 1 Month to Expiry notification works in the following way:

  • Rule: To send a reminder to a seafarer whose competence, travel and medical documents expire in 3 or 1 month. If there is a record with the same code but a greater expiry date, the record with the earlier expiry date will be ignored.

  • Selection: Employed seafarers whose competence, travel and medical documents expire in 3 or 1 month.

  • Recipient: Seafarer's email;

  • Schedule: Daily

Sample setup

SQL Statement

SELECT p.PIN, (select stuff(( select ' '+upper(left(T3.V, 1))+lower(stuff(T3.V, 1, 1, '')) from (select cast(replace((select p.FIRSTNAME as '*' for xml path('')), ' ', '<X/>') as xml).query('.')) as T1(X) cross apply T1.X.nodes('text()') as T2(X) cross apply (select T2.X.value('.', 'varchar(50)')) as T3(V) for xml path(''), type ).value('text()[1]', 'varchar(50)'), 1, 1, '')) #Firstname, p0t.TELENO #Email, Doc.Doc as #DocumentName, convert (varchar(11),IsNull(doc.DATETO,doc.EXPIRYDATE),106) as #ExpiryDate, case when IsNull(doc.DATETO,doc.EXPIRYDATE) = DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0)) then '1 Month' when IsNull(doc.DATETO,doc.EXPIRYDATE) = DATEADD(mm,3,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0)) then '3 Months' end as #Months,doc.TYPE FROM PW001P01 p JOIN PW001P0T P0T ON ((p.PIN = P0T.PIN) AND (P0T.TELETYPE = 6) AND (NOT P0T.TELEPRIORITY IS NULL) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT SEQUENCENO FROM PW001P0T P0T2 WHERE (P0T.PIN = P0T2.PIN) AND (P0T2.TELETYPE = 6) AND ((P0T2.TELEPRIORITY < P0T.TELEPRIORITY) OR ((P0T2.TELEPRIORITY = P0T.TELEPRIORITY) AND (P0T2.SEQUENCENO < P0T.SEQUENCENO))))) JOIN ( --Travel select PIN, 'Travel' as [TYPE], t.CODE, tc.[VISATYPE] as [Doc], DATETO, DATETO as [EXPIRYDATE], EXPIRYNOTIFICATIONDATE from PW001P08 t join PW001C23 tc on t.CODE = tc.CODE and tc.OPTIONS not like '%P%' Where Convert(date, IsNull(t.DATEFROM,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate()) and t.DATETO = (Select MAX(q.DATETO) From PW001P08 q Where t.PIN = q.PIN and t.CODE = q.CODE and Convert(date, IsNull(q.DATEFROM,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate())) --Competence UNION ALL select PIN, 'Competence' as [TYPE], c.CODE, cc.[TEXT] as [Doc], DATETO, EXPIRYDATE, EXPIRYNOTIFICATIONDATE from PW001P05 c join PW001C06 cc on c.CODE = cc.CODE and cc.OPTIONS not like '%P%' where c.CODE = dbo.ad_ReturnReplacingCode(c.PIN, c.CODE, 0) and /*Check only root cert ignoring replacing ones*/ Convert(date, IsNull(c.DATEFROM,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate()) and IsNull(c.EXPIRYDATE,c.DATETO) = (Select MAX(IsNull(t.EXPIRYDATE,t.DATETO)) From PW001P05 t Where t.PIN = c.PIN and t.CODE = c.CODE and Convert(date, IsNull(t.DATEFROM,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate())) --Medical UNION ALL select PIN, 'Medical' as [TYPE], m.CODE, mc.[TEXT] as [Doc], EXPIRYDATE as [DATETO], EXPIRYDATE, EXPIRYNOTIFICATIONDATE from PW001P07 m join PW001C24 mc on m.CODE = mc.CODE and mc.OPTIONS not like '%P%' Where Convert(date, IsNull(m.DATEISSUED,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate()) and m.EXPIRYDATE = (Select MAX(t.EXPIRYDATE) From PW001P07 t Where t.PIN = m.PIN and t.CODE = m.CODE and Convert(date, IsNull(t.DATEISSUED,GetDate())) <= Convert(date,GetDate())) ) Doc on Doc.PIN = p.PIN and (Convert(date,Doc.EXPIRYNOTIFICATIONDATE) = Convert(date, GetDate()) or (IsNull(doc.DATETO,doc.EXPIRYDATE) = DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0)) or IsNull(doc.DATETO,doc.EXPIRYDATE) = DATEADD(mm,3,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0))) )

Sample Email

Hi [#Firstname]

As you know, it is very important that all your documents are valid when joining the ship and throughout your contract. This is a friendly reminder that your [#DocumentName] will expire on [#ExpiryDate].

Please renew your document and register it in the Employee Portal as soon as possible. 

Add link to the employee portal.   

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