Best Practices: Crew List Views and User Roles

As you know, Crew list views build crew lists based on the rule that is used behind. E.g. Standard will show very standard info on the person, Family view will display an emergency contact, and Flight details will show flights.

But what makes certain person to appear in this view first of all? Who decides who is to be there, and who not?

Lets consider how any crew list view should work. We have an sql statement which shows us people and info on these people based on certain rules, but always depending on the current client. Lets say - display all persons BELONGING TO THE OPEN CLIENT + have a missing requirement. Or show all persons BELONGING TO OPEN CLIENT + their passport or flight details or whatever. Meaning the system first checks who is supposed to be displayed under this current client, and then above that criterion any new criteria are laid on. If it is a "normal" client like office - the system checks who is linked to this client directly or below in Personal details. If it is a vessel or a vessel pool above - the system will check who has an onboard activity on that vessel (additional set up must be done).

So, first the crew list view checks what current client is opened on the user screen, to be able to build a crew list of relevant persons only. And then, having this list, it displays these persons together with applying the criteria from the crew list view in question - e.g. family or flights information of these persons.

Depending on the user roles, users will have different access to the organization units and crew list views.

Same counts for the crew list views: the nr of crew list views should be limited only to those relevant for fulfilling the user role.

Agency user recommendation

Usually an agency has access to open only the organization unit of their agency. In this way the agency sees and has access to only persons hired by the agency.

Access to crew list views is quite limited as well. That can be Standard and maybe a couple of more, depending on what Adonis screens the agency user updates/works with. E.g. Competence view, showing all competences a person has.

Other crew list views and organization units need to be hidden in the Control Centre as usual.

Vessel user recommendation

Usually a vessel user has access only to his/her vessel. Opening the vessel as a current client will give a list of onboard crew currently, or based on onboard contracts in history, or planned onboard contracts, depending on the crew list view chosen.

In most cases we recommend enabling the option Ignore Organization Properties on the crew list view code in General Codes for the vessel related views.

Best recommended crew list views when a vessel is a current client:

Onboard Crew - showing persons onboard

Embarking Crew - showing persons planned onboard soon

Promotions - showing position change

Missing Requirements - showing if any certificates set up as requirement is missing or expired

Days Onboard

Not confirmed in time - showing crew who were not confirmed in time as Onsigners / Offsigners

Birthday - showing all persons onboard having a birthday within current month

We do not recommend using Standard crew list view when a vessel is a current client.

It can be hidden for a vessel user via access rights.

But as long as Standard view is designed to display persons linked to organization in Personal Details, not linked to a vessel via activities, we recommend hiding Standard view in Organization properties for all Vessel Pools. This will influence vessels below.

Hiding a crew list view for an organization

Office user recommendation

Access to open clients and crew list views for the user depend on what tasks he/she is supposed to perform in the organization.

It can be an access to one or several offices, might be also access to one or several vessels. When office user has access to the vessel, the above description for the vessel user works for office user as well.

As for the office access.

The basic views that can be in use:


Expiry view




How a crew list view or organization can be hidden?

Access rights set up in Control Centre, Organization view - Can Open Client access needs to be enabled only for the org units that need to be accessible.

Access rights to a crew list view can be set up in Control Centre as well, under General Codes > Crew List view. Define a security code for the view in APM > General Codes, then the name of this view will appear in the Adonis Control Centre > General Codes.

If a view needs to be hidden for certain organization client, e.g. Standard view under vessel, or a specific Norwegian tax related view needs to be shown under Norwegian office but not under Ukrainian office, it is logical to hide this view for the organization level. See the picture above in the Vessel user recommendation section.


As mentioned, the nr of views will vary and depend on the company needs. Above is a general recommendation and a very base list of possibilities. In reality the views can be customized, extended and can be very speicific. Still, recomendation is to have the nr as short as possible to make it easier for the users.