Script number vs Entry code number Check


In this view you can check and compare that each individual entry code has the corresponding script number set


payroll, entry code, script


In this view, you can check and compare that each individual entry code has the corresponding script number set. The view only shows the entry codes that exist in the current Payroll period.

SQL Statement

select pay.PIN, p01.NAME, p01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, p01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, p01.CLIENT NUMORGID, convert(varchar,pay.ENTRYCODE)+' '+ec.Text as 'EC Name', pay.Entrycode as 'EC Code', right(ec.script,3) as SCRIPT, right(ec.script,3)-pay.ENTRYCODE as DIFF from pw001pay pay left join pyety001 ec on ec.entrycode=pay.entrycode left join pw001p01 p01 on

Field Specification

In the Analytical view, the DIFF column goes into the Data field, while EC code and SCRIPT go into the Row fields.

The Grand Total should be 0. If it is not, it means that an entry code has a different script.