Standard View Extended (all crew)


Standard view that shows basic information about the crew members.


Basic info


Crew List View


Standard view that shows basic information about all the crew members/employees.

View Sample

Main Data Selection

All the persons.

SQL statement

VIEWID should be substituted with the ID of the crew list view that you are creating in your system e.g. PW001SRV20 etc.

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV12 AS SELECT P01.PIN PIN, CASE WHEN c12.[TEXT] IS NOT NULL THEN c12.[TEXT] WHEN p0u.AVPLAN IS NOT NULL THEN 'Available Planning' WHEN p0u.AVPLAN IS NULL AND p0u.AVRET IS NOT NULL THEN 'Available to Return' WHEN p0u.AVPLAN IS NULL AND p0u.AVRET IS NULL THEN 'Available' END AS [STATUS], P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN AS 'ALTERNATIVE PIN', P01.NAME AS 'Full Name', P01.TITLENAME AS 'Title Name', P01.FIRSTNAME AS 'First Name', P01.MIDDLENAME AS 'Middle Name', P01.LASTNAME AS 'Last Name', P01.MAIDENNAME AS 'Maiden Name', CASE WHEN p01.SEX = 'M' THEN 'Male' WHEN p01.SEX = 'F' THEN 'Female' ELSE 'Undefined' END AS Gender, c04.[TEXT] AS 'Marital Status', nat.NATIONALITY AS Nationality, ORG.NAME AS 'Organization', P01.CLIENT Numorgid, P01.EmploymentStartDate, P01.EmploymentEndDate, c55.NAME AS 'Termination Reason', p01Rank.[NAME] AS 'Current Rank', p01.COSTPLACE AS 'Department/Cost Place Code', c43.[NAME] AS 'Department/Cost Place', P01.ADDRESS1 + ' ' + P01.ADDRESS2 AS 'Address', P01.ADDRESS3 AS 'City', P01.POSTCODE 'Post Code', P01.POSTPLACE 'Post Place', PC.COUNTRYNAME AS 'Address Country', P01.HOMEAIRPORT 'Home Airport', email.TELENO AS 'E-MAIL', mob.TELENO AS 'Mobile Phone', P01.BIRTHDATE 'Birth date', P01.PERSONALIDNO AS 'Personal ID', PASS.TDNUMBER 'Passport No', PASS.DATETO AS 'Passport Expiry', passc.COUNTRYNAME AS 'Passport Country of Issue', CASE WHEN CONTRACTKIND = 0 THEN 'Main Contract' WHEN CONTRACTKIND = 1 THEN 'Sub Contract' WHEN CONTRACTKIND = 2 THEN 'Ammendment' ELSE '' END AS 'Contract Type', C32CONT.Text 'Contract Name', C02CONT.NAME 'Contract Rank', p20.DATESTART 'Contract Start', p20.DATEEND 'Contract End', p20.DURATION 'Trial period duration', p20.TRIALPERIODEND 'Trial period end', p20.PAYSCALETABLE 'Contract Pasycale Table', p20.PAYSCALECODE 'Contract Pasycale Code', p0u.EMP_PORT 'Employee Portal Access From', CASE WHEN p20.scanneddocno IS NULL THEN NCHAR(9940) + ' Missing' WHEN p20.scanvalidity IN (1) AND p20.scanneddocno IS NOT NULL THEN NCHAR(10004) + ' Confirmed' WHEN p20.scanvalidity IN (0) AND p20.scanneddocno IS NOT NULL THEN NCHAR(10006) + ' Not Confirmed' END AS 'Contract Scan Status' FROM PW001P01 P01 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT P8.PIN, P8.tdnumber, P8.datefrom, P8.dateto, p8.ISSUEDWHERE, p8.nativename, p8.ISSUE_COUNTRY, p8.PASSPORTPRIORITY FROM dbo.PW001P08 P8 JOIN dbo.PW001C23 C23 ON P8.CODE = C23.CODE AND C23.OPTIONS LIKE '%T%' WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P08 t JOIN dbo.PW001C23 C23 ON t.CODE = C23.CODE AND C23.OPTIONS LIKE '%T%' WHERE t.PIN = p8.PIN AND ( t.PASSPORTPRIORITY < p8.PASSPORTPRIORITY OR t.PASSPORTPRIORITY = p8.PASSPORTPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < p8.SEQUENCENO ) ) ) pass ON pass.PIN = P01.PIN LEFT JOIN PWCOUNTRY passc ON passc.COUNTRYCODE = pass.ISSUE_COUNTRY LEFT JOIN PW001P0P P0P ON ((P01.PIN = P0P.PIN) AND (P0P.PNUMBER = 'A')) LEFT JOIN PW001C02 p01Rank ON p01Rank.CODE = p01.[RANK] LEFT JOIN Pw001C33 c33 ON c33.code = p01.CATHEGORYA LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02 ON P0P.POSITIONID = C02.CODE LEFT JOIN PWORG ORG ON P01.CLIENT = ORG.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PWCOUNTRY PC ON P01.ADDRESS_COUNTRY = PC.COUNTRYCODE LEFT JOIN PW001P01PICT PL ON P01.PIN = PL.PIN LEFT JOIN PWORG PV ON P01.PAYROLLVSL = PV.NUMORGID LEFT JOIN PW001P20 p20 ON p20.PIN = p01.PIN AND p20.HISTORICAL = 'F' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P20 t WHERE t.PIN = p20.PIN AND t.HISTORICAL = 'F' AND t.DATESTART > p20.DATESTART ) LEFT JOIN PW001OLEDOCS sdoc ON sdoc.DOCNO = p20.SCANNEDDOCNO LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02CONT ON p20.RANK = C02CONT.CODE LEFT JOIN PW001C32 C32CONT ON p20.CONTRACTTYPE = C32CONT.code LEFT JOIN PW001P0T email ON email.PIN = p01.PIN AND email.TELETYPE = 6 AND email.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P0T t WHERE t.PIN = email.PIN AND t.TELETYPE = email.TELETYPE AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND ( t.TELEPRIORITY < email.TELEPRIORITY OR t.TELEPRIORITY = email.TELEPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < email.SEQUENCENO ) ) LEFT JOIN PW001P0T mob ON mob.PIN = p01.PIN AND mob.TELETYPE = 3 AND mob.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P0T t WHERE t.PIN = mob.PIN AND t.TELETYPE = mob.TELETYPE AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND ( t.TELEPRIORITY < mob.TELEPRIORITY OR t.TELEPRIORITY = mob.TELEPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < mob.SEQUENCENO ) ) LEFT JOIN PWCOUNTRY nat ON nat.COUNTRYCODE = p01.NATIONALITY LEFT JOIN PW001P0U p0u ON p0u.PIN = p01.PIN LEFT JOIN PW001C55 c55 ON p01.STOPREASON = c55.CODE LEFT JOIN PW001C43 c43 ON c43.CODE = p01.COSTPLACE LEFT JOIN PW001C04 c04 ON c04.CODE = p01.MARITALSTATUS LEFT JOIN dbo.PW001P03 P03cur ON P01.PIN = P03cur.PIN AND (P03cur.DATETO IS NULL OR P03cur.DATETO >= GETDATE()) AND P03cur.DATEFROM <= GETDATE() AND P03cur.PLANNED <> 'Y' LEFT JOIN PW001C12 c12 ON c12.CODE = p03cur.CODE

Columns Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


Personal Details > Personal > PIN

Alternative PIN

Personal Details > Personal > Alternative PIN

Full Name

Personal Details > Personal > Full Name

Title Name

Personal Details > Personal > Title Name

First Name

Personal Details > Personal > First Name

Middle Name

Personal Details > Personal > Middle Name

Last Name

Personal Details > Personal > Last Name

Maiden Name

Personal Details > Personal > Maiden Name


Personal Details > Personal > Gender


Personal Details > Employment > Organization’s Name

Current Rank

Personal Details > Employment > Current Rank


Personal Details > Employment > Organization’s No


Personal Details > Employment > Employment Start Date


Personal Details > Employment > Employment End Date

Termination Reason

Personal Details > Employment > Termination Reason


Personal Details > Personal > Nationality

Birth date

Personal Details > Personal > Birth date

Personal ID

Personal Details > Personal > Personal ID

Passport No

Travel Documents > Current Passport No

Passport Expiry

Travel Documents > Current Passport Date

Passport Country of Issue

Travel Documents > Current Passport Issue Country


Personal Details > Personal > Address


Personal Details > Personal > City

Post Code

Personal Details > Personal > Post Code

Post Place

Personal Details > Personal > Post Place (used for City)

Address Country

Personal Details > Personal > Address Country

Home Airport

Personal Details > Personal > Home Airport 1


Personal Details > Personal > Telecommunication > E-mail with highest priority (e.g. 1 has more priority than 4)

Mobilr Phone

Personal Details > Personal > Telecommunication > Mobile Phone with highest priority (e.g. 1 has more priority than 4)

Marital Status

Personal Details > Personal > Marital Status

Contract Type

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract type: Main, Amendment, Sub.

Contract Name

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract name.

Contract Rank

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract rank.

Contract Start

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract Start Date.

Contract End

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract End Date.

Trial period duration

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract trial period duration.

Trial period end

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract trial period end.

Contract Pasycale Table

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract payscale table.

Contract Pasycale Code

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract payscale code.

Contract Scan Status

Contracts Datagorup > Current contract scan status.

Emplyee Portal Access From

Personal Details > Personal > Customised Fields > Emplyee Portal Access From


  • The current Activity Name should be set as a status.

  • If no current activity + if the crew doesn’t have any sea-service activities records of any status + if the person has a date added in the customized field “Available for Planning from“ in Personal Details, then Available Planning status should be used.

  • If the crew doesn’t have any current activity, and if the crew is already planned to haver some activity, then the status should be Planned to “Nearest Planned Activity Name“ + “Nearest Planned Date From“.

  • If no current activity + if the crew doesn’t have any sea-service activities records of any status + if no planned activities, then Available Planning status should be used.

  • If no current activity + if the Available Planning is not applicable + if the person has a date added in the customized field “Available to Return“, then the Available to Return status should be used.

  • If no current activity + if the Available Planning is not applicable + Available to Return is not applicable, then the Available status should be used.

Start Page