Net Wages (this month)


The view shows all the crew that have Net Wages calculated this month.


Payroll, New Wages


Crew List View


The view shows all the crew that have Net Wages calculated this month.

View Sample

Main Data Selection

The crew members with Net Wages calculated this month (PW001PAY).

SQL statement

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV103 AS SELECT PAY.PIN, P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN AS 'ALTERNATIVE PIN', P01.NAME AS 'Full Name', P01.FIRSTNAME AS 'First Name', P01.MIDDLENAME AS 'Middle Name', P01.LASTNAME AS 'Last Name', PAY.ENTRYFIELD1 AS 'Net Amount', P0Y.PAYROLLPERIODLOCK AS 'Payroll Period Lock', pay.PAID AS 'Paid Status', PAY.[TEXT] AS Comments, P01.EmploymentStartDate, P01.EmploymentEndDate, P01.CLIENT AS NUMORGID FROM PW001PAY PAY LEFT JOIN PW001P01 P01 ON P01.PIN = PAY.PIN LEFT JOIN PW001P0Y p0y ON p0y.PIN = p01.PIN WHERE ENTRYCODE = 994

Columns Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


Personal Details > Personal > PIN

Alternative PIN

Personal Details > Personal > Alternative PIN

Full Name

Personal Details > Personal > Full Name

First Name

Personal Details > Personal > First Name

Middle Name

Personal Details > Personal > Middle Name

Last Name

Personal Details > Personal > Last Name

Net Amount

L61 value on EC 994 in PW001PAY

Payroll Period Lock

Checks if the Period Lock on selected person is set or not.

Paid Status

Check if the EC 994 in PW001PAY was paid or not.


Comment on EC 994 in PW001PAY. Set if it is paid.


Personal Details > Employment > Employment Start Date


Personal Details > Employment > Employment End Date

Start Page