Direct Deposit Request


The view shows the crew memebers that have unpaid Direct Deposit (ACH) payment Entry codes in the current Payroll period.


Direct Deposit, ACH


The view shows the crew members that have unpaid Direct Deposit (ACH) payment Entry codes in the current Payroll period.


The view shows the crew with the EC 505 - Allotment ACH, EC 794 - Advances ACH, EC 799 - Sign Off ACH in the current payroll period that have not been processed and locked.

Field Specification

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV412 as SELECT P.PIN, P.NAME, p03.RANK, P.CLIENT NUMORGID, P.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, P.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE , 'xxx-xx-' + RIGHT(p0y.SSN, 4) AS SSN, [Vessel], CONVERT(MONEY, ROUND(PYH.CALCULATEDAMOUNT1, 2), 0) as Amount, case when pyh.entrycode in (505) THEN 'Allotment' when pyh.entrycode in (794) then 'Advance' when pyh.entrycode in (799) then 'Sign Off' End as Type, PYH.entryfield5 AS 'Payment Date', pai.PAYNAME [Recipient Name], pai.RCODERECEIVER RoutingNo, pai.BANKACCOUNTTYPE [Acc Type], pai.ACCOUNTNO, per.periodname as [Voyage] from pw001pay pyh left join pw001p01 p on join (select SEQUENCENO, PIN, RANK, DATEFROM, DATETO, TODATEESTIMATED, PLANNED from PW001P03) p03 on p03.SEQUENCENO=pyh.ACTIVITYSEQ or (pyh.ACTIVITYSEQ is null and p03.PIN = pyh.PIN and pyh.entryfield5 between p03.DATEFROM and isnull(p03.DATETO,p03.TODATEESTIMATED) ) LEFT JOIN pyety001 ec ON ec.entrycode = pyh.entrycode left join PWORG AS VES ON pyh.ACCOUNTDIM2 = VES.NUMORGID left join pw001p0y p0y on left join pw001pai pai on pai.seqno=pyh.seqno left join PWCMPPAY per on per.companyid=pyh.accountdim2 and per.period=pyh.periodeused where pyh.ENTRYCODE in (505, 794, 799) and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT1<>0 and Isnull(pyh.PAID,'N') != 'Y'